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  • Writer's pictureMr. Knight

10/14 Regionals @ Central

Regionals is finally here! Saturday 10/14 is the ISSMA Regionals competition at Central High School in Evansville. The results of this competition will determine whether we advance to Semi-State. Regardless, we will still have another competition at Reitz on Saturday, Oct. 21. Please see the full schedule for details.


3:30pm-6:00pm - Rehearsal


7:00am - Rehearsal

9:00am - Load Trailers/Breakfast Snack

9:50am - Depart for Evansville Central

10:30am - Arrive @ Central; Unload

11:20am - In Uniform, ready for warm-up

11:30am - Visual Warm-up

11:59am - Music Warm-up

12:44pm - Perform

1:00pm - Load Trucks/Lunch

2:28pm - Awards

3:00pm - Depart for NPHS

3:30pm - Arrive at NPHS*

*If you will NOT be riding the bus back to NPHS, you must fill out the permission slip and give it to Cassie Folz (Drum Major) Saturday morning.


Students should try to eat breakfast BEFORE they arrive Saturday morning. Some meal ideas were discussed at the October NPPA meeting, but we are going to need to make some changes due to the tight schedule. We do not have time to cook anything complex at NPHS or Central HS. We would like to have muffins and fruit at Breakfast/AM Snack and Sandwiches at Lunch. Concessions will be available at lunch only, but time will be limited. 

Parents, we need your help! If you can bring any of the following items, please contact Mr. Knight or Kori Stroud. We need the following for 40 (including students, staff, & parents):


- Fresh or Packaged Muffins — Knight, Amy H., Kori

- Fruit (bananas, apples, etc.) — Lorie

LUNCH - Sandwiches

- Lunch Meat (Ham, Turkey) -- Richard

- Sliced Cheese -- Kori

- Sliced Bread -- Donnarae, Kori

- Fruit (bananas, apples, etc.) — Lorie

- Chips

- Vegetables (Celery, Carrots, etc.)


Parent volunteers are asked to wear the red NPPA polo when volunteering at a competition. This helps the site host identify our volunteers and makes us look very professional & unified.

When we arrive at the host school for a performance, please check in with the person coordinating the area you are helping with (pit crew, props, uniforms, etc. -- see list below.)

At Regionals, Semi-State, and State, it is crucial to be quiet and work efficiently in our set up area. We can be judged and points deducted previous to the show.

The band and pit will be first to leave our set up area. The hostess will lead them to warm up areas and then to the field.

Props will go straight to the gate entrance and wait for the band.

When the announcer introduces our band, watch the Director. Do not enter the field until he gives the signal and steps over the field line himself.

From this point we have 3 minutes to set the band up for performance. The students will carry props onto the field. Parents may assist, but all personnel (except students) must be off the field within 3 minutes or the band will be penalized.

When the show is complete, the Director will give a signal to clear the field of show items. We now have 2 minutes to clear the field to avoid penalties. Students will move props off the field, and parents will move props back to the setup area.

After the performance, everyone will return to our set-up area to reload the trailer. Students will change out of uniform while parents begin loading. Students will help load as soon as they have changed. 

Dinner will be served once all materials have been loaded. Kori Stroud and/or Mr. Knight will be coordinating this task. After dinner, students will go to the stands to watch other bands. 

Immediately after Awards, the Directors meet with the students and dismiss them. The Directors do not ride back with the students because they have meetings/critique sessions with the judges.

There will be an appointed chaperone to make sure all students are picked up. Donnarae will provide the key to the school for any students who need to use the restroom.

Please do not unload the trailer after a competition. The students will unload during band class on Monday. All personal items should be on the bus with students.


Pit Crew: Dave McCracken & Andy Mitchell

Uniforms: Amy Hartig

Props: Rick Hartig

Food: Kori Stroud & Mr. Knight


New sale dates have been posted for Band Bucks: October 28-29 and November 11-12 at Rural King West. Band Bucks should be sold by Nov. 1, but you can still turn them in later if you are signed up for the November sale date. See the sign-up list for more details

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